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BLS Healthcare Provider Certification Test

To qualify for BLS Healthcare Provider Certification, you must pass the BLS Healthcare Provider Certification Test with a score of 70 or higher.

1. When performing CPR, an AED should be used as soon as possible if it is available.

2. PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment.

3. Chest compressions must be done slowly and gently.

4. Who can perform CPR?

5. CPR should only be performed on:

6. The purpose of CPR is to:

7. You should check the victim for responsiveness by:

8. The technique used to clear the victim's airway is:

9. Chest compressions should be performed at a rate of:

10. The depth of chest compressions should be:

11. When the victim begins to breathe on his/her own, you should:

12. When should you stop CPR?